14th International Conference on Runtime Verification
September 22 - September 25, 2014 Toronto, Canada
- On the Number of Opinions Needed for Fault-Tolerant Run-Time Monitoring in Distributed Systems
- Multiple Ways to Fail: Generalizing a Monitor's Verdict for the Classification of Execution Traces
- Two Generalisations of Roşu and Chen's Trace Slicing Algorithm A
- Symbolic Execution Debugger (SED)
- Supporting the Specification and Runtime Validation of Asynchronous Calling Patterns in Reactive Systems
- Checking Data Structure Properties Orders of Magnitude Faster
- Dynamic Test Generation with Static Fields and Initializers
- Speculative Program Parallelization with Scalable and Decentralized Runtime Verification
- Organising LTL Monitors over Distributed Systems with a Global Clock
- Dynamic Verification for Hybrid Concurrent Programming Models
- Online Monitoring of Metric Temporal Logic
- Scalable Offline Monitoring
- On Real-time Monitoring with Imprecise Timestamps
- Improving dynamic inference with variable dependence graph
- Monitoring Systems with Extended Live Sequence Charts
- Foundations of Boolean Stream Runtime Verification
- Abstraction and Mining of Traces to Explain Concurrency-Bugs
- ModelPlex: Verified Runtime Validation of Verified Cyber-Physical System Models
- Runtime Observer Pairs and Bayesian Network Reasoners On-board FPGAs: Flight-Certifiable System Health Management for Embedded Systems
- The TTT Algorithm: A Redundancy-Free Approach to Active Automata Learning
- Portable Runtime Verification with Smartphones and Optical Codes
- On-Line Monitoring for Temporal Logic Robustness
- ROSRV: Runtime Verification for Robots
- RV-Monitor: Efficient Parametric Runtime Verification with Simultaneous Properties
- Lazy Symbolic Execution for Enhanced Learning
- Robust Consistency Checking for Modern Filesystems
- Faster Statistical Model Checking by Means of Abstraction and Learning